
Your fundraising is needed now more than ever, and we're here to help turn those inspired ideas into a reality. Every pound you raise allows us to offer personalised support for unique individuals. Delivering the quality of life people with disabilities in Middlesbrough deserve.   

From bake sales to running 5k, sponsored challenges and turning a celebration into a donation, we can give you the tools and tips you need to put the FUN into fundraising. Here's how your brilliant fundraising can make a difference:  

£15 will provide an hour of highly skilled one-to-one support, meeting our members and families' practical, social and emotional needs.   

£50 pays for a vibrant and accessible Zumba session for 25 people to boost well-being, and well, it's just good fun! 

£100 will cover the costs of a physiotherapy package of care in our relaxing hydrotherapy pool and strengthening rebound trampoline to increase the mobility of wheelchair users.   


Pop your details below, and our fundraiser, Lisa, will reach out to say a great big thank you and send you our fundraising pack.